7north fm Big Spring to the 411 junction
41 from Manistique to Shingleton were groomed yesterday.
413 is still thin in the dense cover areas so...
All trails had a thin base and blown corners in the southern sections so you can thank your throttle jacker friends for that. Snow helps.
-If repairs to the PB100 go as planned(FTO)
2 West will see a groomer this afternoon.
2 East will be cleared and groomed Monday to 421 then south to Gulliver then return Tuesday.
Ride safe,
Ride right,
Ride sober,
Ride Safe
41north of Jack Pine is good. The BootLake spur (410) is good.
413: VERY thin in spots so, yeah, rideable but needs more snow to groom.
7north and south of the 413 junction is being g panned in right now. no report yet but it'll probably be the same: rideable, but only groomable to the North up to 411 junction.
this snow helped the trails out of Manistique:
2 west is being checked Tuesday AM. 2 East Wednesday.
The snow helped but didn't solve our coverage issues.
Maybe more snow Tuesday we'll see.
Ride safe
Ride right
Ride sober,
Quick trail:
41 NORTH from Jackpine Lodge to Shingleton.
-Our only groomable trail section.-
Good base, groomed flat in good shape.
PLEASE EASE YOUR SQUEEZE on the bridge approaches. As always,
Ride safe,
Ride right,
Ride sober,
Quick update:
Groomed North 41 from Jackpine Lodge, smoothed over and flattened moguls and corners. Cleaned up Bridge approaches. All in all, fair to good but thin, so, NOT going to groom daily.
7/413/41south into Manistique rocks and dirt showing... Sadly, ungroomable. We're watching, so, Ride Safe,
Ride Right,
Ride Sober,
SCMTA has groomers staged, and as of right now, we've groomed more miles in Dec than ALL of last year, a fairly decent month,
These last few days and the warmup preceding killed our southern trails (2east and west/7south of 413 junctions, 413 is 75% bare and 41 south of Jackpine trailhead) there may be visual coverage, but it has been judged ungroomable for now. A since this is officially Snowmobile season, "wheeled vehicle" have no place on these trails. The areas to our immediate north (Alger/Seney/Newberry and north of Curtis) are in salvage mode and reporting fair but wet conditions (from what I hear)
SCMTA is on "hold" until the coverage returns and we can repack/re-establish bases
Ride safe
Ride right
Ride sober
Happy New Year
We are parked until further notice. There is a flat base in most areas that will help us get going once the weather changes. If you do venture into the woods, use extreme caution as there is frozen truck ruts and water holes. When we are back grooming, we will update our report.
Well, I wish I had better news,
Mother nature laid waste to about 75% of our trail system. The trails north of Jackpine trail head (Jackpine lodge) exists; but thin and fragile and not fully developed, (base/layers/cover). We're hoping for a decent recovery, system snow and cold. We're holding grooming until the refreeze is completely gone through everything. WE NEED SNOW on 2 West and East, 413 and 7 south of Iron creek and 41 into Manistique from the 3-4 mile marker south.
Snow dances encouraged/welcomed.
Ride safe
Ride right
Ride sober
- Prez
Wednesday morning(about0400) on the 41north grooming run the 400Trailbully blew a high pressure gasket in the right drive track motor. Lost about 6 gallons of Hydraulic fluid making it to Boot Lake bar. Field repairs got the unit back to the barn, gasket delivered yesterday and repaired this AM.
41 is done. Still early season conditions with a thinning base as you travel South of JackPine trail head.
413 will be done tomorrow (14Dec) EARLY AM)
7North and South is being groomed as I type and has very similar conditions as 41.
2 East and West still remain locked down for muzzle loading and late bow season so please respect private property. When we get clearance, they will be opened and trail development will commence. I know y'all didn't think the trails just -poof- appeared, right?
There is already evidence of those throttle knockers tearing up either baseless or thin fragile based areas. So just ease your squeeze until you're up to speed... and...
Ride safe
Ride right
Ride sober
Ride smart
Quick trail update:
41north to BootLake spur down to Manistique and 7 from 2west junctioninto Big Spring and up to 411 junction with trail head spur and Camel Riders spur, were groomed yesterday (11Dec)...
If you notice some deep ruts in the trail(s) remember: there are hunters in these woods and truck tires do a number on the trail
Hopefully this latest addition will help build up and cover these ruts. Meanwhile,:
Ride safe,
Ride right,
Ride sober,
With the rain and Temps it would be counterproductive to deploy trail groomers. We're on hold til Temps drop below freezing and trails firm up...
Just a quick trail report:
41: packed in and groomed from Manistique to Shingleton and Boot Lake spur(410) with varying snow depth from south to North(bases as well) Bases are SOFT and THIN.... so, THROTTLE DISCIPLINE will help build and maintain base development. TIA
413: Packed and groomed From JackPine Lodge trailhead junction/ 41 to the 7 junction same issues with Bases.
7: packed and groomed North to 411 junction with runs into Trail head and Camel Riders spur(s)
South of 413 junction to Big Spring Tavern.
South of Big Spring our neighbors Bay de Noc club packed and groomed From the south to the 2west junction.
BOTH 2 EAST AND 2WEST out of Manistique are NOT OPENED for Snowmobile traffic during Muzzel loading season and late bow AT THIS TIME.
This warmup may postpone runs, but we'll be out there... So, remember:
- Prez
So, we got another 3-4" at the groomer barn/ clubhouse. The Lake effect event this evening will push us over minimums and clearing/pack in will commence 05 Dec. Early.
Note the "header":
Wed AM until Friday AM. Snowfall TOTALS.
We are planning accordingly so, if there is "as advertised " snowfall We'll have crews on 41 north, the 413 and 7 trails clearing and packing in.
Ride safe
Ride right
Ride sober